It feels impossible to find the right words to describe what your presence did for Renee and for me as her primary caregiver during those last weeks of her life. I know we both found tremendous peace whenever you were there. Renee was so skeptical about you to begin with since she had trust issues with men, but that lasted for about a minute once she met you. You won her trust quickly and never failed to get a wonderful response from her when she saw your face. Even as she was slipping away from us, you were helping her with your soothing, gentle administrations. I will always remember you trying to remove the knots in my shoulders while reciting Beannacht and telling me about John O’Donohue. It and you lifted me up when I thought nothing could. Thank you so much from both of us. — Suzanne, Primary Caregiver for a Hand to Heart Client
Read Suzanne and Renee’s story in: Soul of a Caregiver