My name is Janette and I was diagnosed with breast cancer in January 2018. To say I was in shock is an understatement. I was healthy – I ate kale and drank lots of water. My journey began at Norris Cotton Cancer Center with a great team of doctors who were all on the same page to get me healthy again and beat this awful disease. As I was sitting in my oncologist’s office, I noticed a brochure for The Hand to Heart Project. It immediately grabbed my attention as I believe we need to treat the whole person during the cancer journey. I also have a friend who mentioned that I would benefit from this amazing program. I have since had many massages from Hand to Heart during different stages of my treatment, and feel it was one of the most beneficial ways to quiet my soul and forget about my fight even if for an hour. I believe in the power of touch and I always felt better after my massage. This is an amazing service to anyone with cancer. I am so grateful for this program!